Complete the reading for this unit and write a short summary of the reading to prepare for the upcoming unit. Make sure to mention any important events, people, or outcomes that you read about.
Google search one person that was involved with the Progressive Era (Upton Sinclair is shown here). As if you were that person, write a short biography (very basic), then talk about why you got involved with the movement. Remember, you are pretending like you are THAT person, living during THAT time period. Do not use modern slang or figures of speech.
Find an example of ashcan art by the artists such as "Cliff Dwellers" by George Bellows shown here (or find another) and blog about the artwork. Why did you choose this piece? How does that piece express the feelings of the movement? What did you like or dislike about that particular piece?
Political cartoons are often used to bring awareness to issues or grievances people may have with the government. Find a current event or issue that is important to you and dig up some "dirt" about that issue as if you are getting the movement going or beginning to raise awareness of the issue. Blog about the information or injustice that you have uncovered, then create a cartoon depicting your grievance or what you uncovered. The cartoon will be turned in during class.
In groups of 3-4 people create an organization; name it; decide what that organization stands for or a cause it is fighting for then plan a protest or event the group will organize to get your "word" out. Then, post the details of the organization and the event on this blog.